Approval of Residential development for 5 dwellings in Ickleford

The planning application for five dwellings was initially refused by councillors at planning committee against the planning officers’ recommendation to grant planning approval subject to planning conditions. Following an appeal to the planning inspectorate following the committee decision to override officers recommendation, the appeal was allowed, and approval granted.

Concept planning took design inspiration from the surrounding buildings, which includes terraced housing and detached houses in the adjacent conservation area. A significant portion of the location is landscaped with a robust tree planting strategy to create a sense of place and continue the village continuity. The five houses are all two storey with habitable areas in the loft and will feature traditional brickwork and fenestration.

Following discussions with the client, a revised planning application via a section 73 submission, sought to increase the size of the properties while retaining an appropriate character impact to the location.
Councillors in this instance decided to grant planning permission at committee with 10 councillors in favour and 1 councillor abstaining.