Successful Appeal for a front basement in the London Borough of Hackney
The property in Stamford Hill (London), was refused planning permission by the London Borough of Hackney following a submission by a local architect. Following an appraisal, the owner of the property instructed Concept planning to appeal the decision by Hackney Council.
The Council refused the basement on the grounds it would harm the character of the street and host dwelling. Considering the development was for a basement with only a surface lightwell apparent to the street, the reason for refusal was considered by Concept Planning to be excessive and not in accordance with a balanced judgement. The Planning Inspectorate agreed with the appeal Statement prepared by Concept planning on behalf of the client.
The appeal was consequently allowed and the reason for refusal considered unfounded and without grounds for refusal. The basement extension allowed the owner and occupier of the property to better utilise the floorspace within their property for their growing family.